The Grassroots Grant program is a partnership between the North Carolina Arts Council and the communities of the State. The State of North Carolina provides its major support of local arts projects through this program by allocating funds to the counties on a per capita basis. The Community Council for the Arts acts as the Designated Partner for Lenoir County. As the partner with the NC Arts Council, the CCA is responsible for making grants to other organizations in the county so that they may produce their own arts programming.
Who is eligible?
Any non-profit, tax-exempt organization located in Lenoir County may apply for Grassroots subgrant funds. Nonprofit arts organizations and/or nonprofit organizations with an arts project/program are eligible.
All organizations must have been in operation for at least one year. While nonprofit status 501c-3 is preferred, organizations that are nonprofit in nature may also apply.
Individuals are not eligible to apply for Grassroots Arts funds.
Applications and support materials MUST be complete and RECEIVED by the due date; 5pm, November 15, 2024. The completed application and required support materials is received by the Community Council for the Arts, 400 N. Queen St., Kinston, NC 28501 by mail (postage stamped on or before the due date), in person, or by email at slandis@kinstoncca.com. DO NOT send sub grant applications to the North Carolina Arts Council.
What types of projects qualify?
The first priority of sub grant funding is to provide operating or program support to qualified arts organizations including theaters, symphonies, galleries, art guilds, choral societies, dance companies, folk arts societies, writers groups and arts festivals, among others. Grassroots funds are not generally awarded to arts organizations that receive funding through the NC Arts Council's General Support Program.
​The second priority of the Grassroots Arts sub grant program is to support arts learning and arts in education programs conducted by qualified artists. These can be artist residencies in schools, after school summer camps or adult arts learning classes.
​The third priority is to support community organizations that provide quality art experiences for the greater community. These programs must be conducted by qualified artists.
What is a typical grant amount?
Grant amounts typically range from $500-$1,000+.
What can we use this money for?
Funds may be used for expenditures to conduct quality arts programs, or general operations of an arts organization. Typical uses of Grassroots money include:
*Program expenses such as professional artists' fees and travel, space rental, advertising, marketing & publicity, website & electronic media, scripts, costumes, sets, props, music and equipment rental or purchase.
*Operating expenses such as salaries, telephone, office supplies, printing, postage, rent, utilities, insurance and equipment rental or purchase.
Grassroots Arts sub-grant program money MAY NOT be used for the following kind of expenditures:
Art, music and dance therapists
Capital Expenditures
Contingency funds
Deficit Reduction
Food or beverages for hospitality or entertainment functions
Fundraising Events
High School band activities or equipment
Interest on loans, fines or litigation costs
Lobbying Expenses
Oral history and history projects
Tuition for academic study
What are the funding policies?
Tribal organizations that receive grassroots funds must represent state or federally recognized tribes.
Colleges, universities, civic organizations, municipalities and libraries may receive grants for arts programs that are community-based or generate regional arts involvement. Grants may not support their internal programs, administration or operation expenses (library books, band boosters, equipment purchases).
Sub grants may not be awarded to individuals or to organizations for prizes or tuition, including scholarships and financial awards.
Religious organizations or churches may not receive grassroots funds unless the programs are presented outside regular church services, engage the larger community, and do not contain religious content.
Grassroots funds may not be used for activities associated with a school's internal arts programs such as in-school student performances, the purchase of art supplies, or student arts competitions and publications.
​Do we have to provide any matching funds?
Yes. Every Grassroots sub grant recipient is encouraged to match their given allotment one-to-one. Matching funds must be in cash, are local funds, may be public and/or private funds, must be designated for community arts organizations and/or programs and may not be used to match other CCA grants.
The NC Arts Council and the CCA as "funding for this project was provided by a Grassroots Program Sub Grant from the Community Council for the Arts, Kinston, NC and the NC Arts Council, a State Agency. Logos of both organizations should appear on all programs, posters and advertisements and credit to both organizations should be made when introducing a program or advertising the same on TV, radio or social media. Logos may be found on the web at www.ncarts.org, or are available through the Arts Center.
​​Any additional information that we need to submit with our application?
The NC State Auditor's office requires that a report be filed with their office through the Sub grant Application report process. Required is a report attested to in a sworn, notarized statement on the organization's letterhead by the treasurer and one other authorizing officer of the grantee. If a fiscal agent is used, this certification must also be submitted on the letterhead of the fiscal agent and attested to by the treasurer and one other authorizing officer of the fiscal agent. These requirements can be found in detail on the Office of State Auditor's web site: http://www.ncauditor.net.
Applicants must also provide, when filing the sub grant application, a signed and notarized Conflict of Interest Policy and a State Grant Certification — No Overdue Tax Debts form. These should also be on the organization's letterhead. The subgrant Application will be considered incomplete without these forms and will not be considered for funding. The No Overdue Tax Debt form is attached, as are SAMPLES of the Conflict of Interest Policy. BOTH FORMS MUST BE PLACED ON YOUR LETTERHEAD. If you are a subgrantee that is classified as a governmental agency, i.e. public schools or county libraries, you do NOT need to file either form. General Statue 143-6.2 applies ONLY to nongovernmental (nonprofit) organizations. Nonprofit organizations should also file a copy of their Federal Tax ID status.
When will the application process occur?
Applications will be available by October 1, 2024. The application form is simple to complete. Projects must occur between November 1, 2024, and May 31, 2025. The application deadline is no later than 5pm on November 15, 2024. All applications and the required attachments (no overdue tax, conflict of interest policy, Federal Tax ID, etc.) should be brought to The Arts Center, 400 N. Queen St. DO NOT SEND YOUR SUBGRANT APPLICATION TO THE NORTH CAROLINA ARTS COUNCIL. Checks for successful project applications will be available once the grant dollars are received from the North Carolina Arts Council. There is a mandatory sub-grantee project report that is required to be filed in its completed form with the Community Council for the Arts no later than 5pm, May 31, 2025. For additional information, please contact Sandy Landis at (252) 527-2517. Hard copies of the sub-grant application form are available at the Arts Center or by following the link below.
How will my grant application be processed?
Sub-grant applications are reviewed by a diverse panel of community members including artists, county and public officials and board members of the Community Council for the Arts and others. The panel evaluates and scores each application based on the sub grant guidelines and the following criteria at a minimum:
Artistic quality of proposed project or programs
Comm unity impact of project or programs
Ability to plan and implement project
Stability and fiscal responsibility of the organization
Recommendations for funding are presented to the Community Council for the Arts Board of Directors for final funding at their regularly scheduled meeting closest to the panel's meeting.
When and how will I be notified of funding? Then what happens?
Notification of funding-successful or unsuccessful will be made in writing by the Executive Director of the Community Council for the Arts (CCA) within 10 days of the acceptance of the grant review panel's recommendations for funding. Actual receipt of funds will not be made until the CCA receives Grassroots Grant funding from the NC Arts Council. Successfully funded organizations will be asked to sign a contract with the CCA, make budget adjustments if necessary if the grant funding is less than the request, keep the CCA informed during the project's implementation, give credit to the NC Arts Council and the CCA as "funding for this project was provided by a Grassroots Program Sub Grant from the Community Council for the Arts, Kinston, NC and the NC Arts Council, a State Agency. Logos of both organizations should appear on all programs, posters and advertisements and credit to both organizations should be made when introducing a program or advertising the same on TV, radio or social media. Logos may be found on the web at www.ncarts.org or are available through the Arts Center.
When will the report process occur?
All funded sub grantee organizations/projects are required to file a report of their project on the standardized NC Arts Council Grassroots Sub Grantee Report Form FY 2024-2025. This report must be filed with the Community Council for the Arts no later than 5pm May 31, 2025. A late final report is a violation of the NC Arts Council Grant contract. Violations are taken into consideration when an organization applies for future grants. Since future funding may be denied based on reporting practices it is imperative to be in compliance with the deadline for reporting (5pm May 31, 2025).
If I have questions about the grant process or qualified programs/projects, where do I go or who do I speak with?
Contact Sandy Landis at (252) 527-2517 or by email at slandis@kinstoncca.com for questions and/or further information.

Successful funding totaling $36,000 was granted FY 2023-2024 by the CCA includes the following agencies/organizations:
​African American Heritage Commission of Kinston-Lenoir Co., $6,000 — artistic fee support for the annual Funk Festival and operations monies
Community Choir, $5,000 — artistic fee support for multicultural artists — annual Messiah Concert
Friends of the Homeless, $4,000 — artistic fee support for an outdoor mural installation by a multicultural artist​
Friends of the Library, Neuse Regional Library, $5,000 — artistic fee support for the Juneteenth Festival and Multicultural Women in the Arts, 3-part series
LaGrange Arts Council, $3,000 — operations support
smART Kinston City Foundation, Inc., $8,000 — artistic fee support for an outdoor mural installation at G.I. Joe’s & in smART neighborhood by a multicultural artist